An online catalog of the World of Elsuon will be available soon, allowing direct ebook download, along with summaries, indexes, and other merchandise.
Elsuon Audiobooks & Videos​
Listeners will soon find free and subscription-based audiobooks and shorts dedicated to the Elsuon series, Elsuon Appendices, Savage Errands, Savage Errands Appendices, On Writing series, Writing Ambience and Relaxation, Characters, Countries, Races, Great Houses, Creatures, Books, Swords, Artifacts, Songs & Poems, Dreams & Prophecies, Enchantments, the Divine Council, Excerpts & Conversations, The Sequeyon, Strange Places, Shields & Armor, Cities, and more.
An updated and unabridged edition of Savage Errands - The Sixth Kuinkazner will be released to seamlessly harmonize with Savage Errands - The Wild Run published on Substack.